BANG BANG Cauliflower!!
Gorgeous,sweet, sticky, spicy and easy!!

This took just over 20 minutes, start to finish!
super easy.
before I give you the oh so easy instructions to my take on 'Bang Bang cauliflower' let me just take a moment to BIG UP the big white cruciferous in question!

I am a huge fan of the Colly, in all its forms, thin raw slices in a salad, straight up steamed, cauliflower rice, curried cauliflower, cauliflower mash, cauliflower buffalo wings, this big bundle of floretty loveliness is a versatile hero indeed!!
And to add to this is the fact that it is positively brimming with nutrition.
High in fibre, great for digestion, serious levels of vitamin C, vitamin K (essential for helping blood to clot properly to heal a wound) magnesium,manganese, folates and plenty of other health giving essentials to offer you all the more reason to make this veggie a solid part of your regular intake.
This recipe is an absolute gem, but it is a little sugary, so not something I would have too often, but as a weekend treat this really hits the spot.
Right, enough of my babble, and on with the actual reason you're reading this!!
-a few small to medium florets of cauliflower.
-yakisoba sauce (or similar sweet sticky sauce, hoisin may work although I haven't tried it - just be sure to double check the ingredients if you're Vegan)
-sriracha sauce (available in most super markets).
-mayonnaise.(I've gone for a vegan mayo)
-sliced spring onions.
-sesame seeds
so, get your oven nice and hot.
smother your florets in the yakisoba sauce.
bake them for about 20 minutes, they will got soft and a little sticky and caramelised in places.
now make a 50/50 mix of sriracha and mayo, and toss the sticky florets in this gooey orangy pink sauce,
now you have sticky, glossy, saucy florets, toss a load of sliced spring onions and sesame seeds into the mix and BANG, there you have it.
scatter a few more sliced springers and sesame seeds over the top to serve and get that good stuff down your neck!

See? easy! and soooo delicious.
As always, I appreciate your feedback, and any questions are welcome.
Let me know what you think guys! I hope you enjoy this dish as much as I do.
Health, Love and Happiness.
Claire Xx