these results bring me utter joy, the proof is in the pudding!!
I am a woman in my 60's, and although I felt and looked Healthy, I was very concerned with my High cholesterol levels, High Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar levels which were dangerously close to Diabetic.
By Following Claire's expert advice and introducing her range of recipes into my every day life over the past year, the impact on my Health has been astounding!
My Doctor was thrilled (as was I!!) during the results of my last Health check to find that, my Blood pressure, cholesterol and Blood Sugar Levels had all reduced significantly to a Healthy Level.
I am over the moon with these results, and it really was easy to make a few small changes that have made such a huge difference to my health.
Claire is an inspiring person to work with, this really works!! I would recommend her to anybody!
Mrs D -Northamptonshire
I love this testimonial, it really outlines why I Love what I do!
Testimonial for Claire O'Driscoll
Following a major traumatic life change 18 months ago, I realised that my health was suffering due to my inability to look after myself properly. The main problem was that I wasn't eating well which was setting off my IBS with regularity and making me feel generally unhealthy. Since I believe strongly in the power of what you are eating rather than medicines or supplements, I wanted to find a natural way to get myself back on track.
By chance, a leaflet from Claire came through my door and it seemed to be exactly what I was looking for. I had a consultation with Claire describing what I would like to achieve and a few days later a detailed plan arrived complete with recipes and shopping list. Once I had everything I needed, I let Claire know and the 8 week course begin. This involved keeping a diary each day and Whatsapping it over to Claire for comment. The plan was easy to follow and I mixed and matched the meals to suit what I had in the fridge.
Within about four weeks, I had noticed some real differences. Firstly, my overwhelming tiredness had all but gone and some of the joint pain I suffered from in my hands had also gone. Whilst I did not embark on this journey to lose weight (I needed to!) but to get healthier, I was delighted to see that I had lost one stone without even trying!
The main reason for the success of Claire's plan is that she tailors this specifically for you. She takes on board all your individual problems, likes, dislikes and turns it into a bespoke personal plan. The daily dairy keeping, which is now a habit, was key to the communication between Claire and I. The support from Claire was critical during the weeks to ensure I was on track and doing the right thing. Her advice and support were unfailing and always given when you need it. I think that has been one of the key success factors in her plan. I didn't have to wait until a weekly session to ask a quick question, Claire was there all the time providing the support.
I have strayed from the plan a few times but I have got straight back onboard the next day! Claire is very supportive of the fact that social occasions dictate that we can't always eat or drink exactly what you know is best for you but she makes getting back on track so much easier with her kind words and advice!
I have just embarked on a second 8 week course with Claire to consolidate what I did on the first course. I am enjoying new recipes, learning to cook and prep again and am hoping to lose weight so that I get to a very healthy level again. After that, I will feel fully equipped to carry on by myself but will certainly go back to Claire if I feel myself starting to struggle again.
Thank you so much Claire!
Mrs O'Shea - Northamptonshire