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Welcome beloveds, to Forest Floor Rituals.

Transient Etheric gifts, for soul centred Festive gifting.


welcome the 2023 edition - RESTED SPIRIT collection.


Every offering that is birthed in this Portal, is done so with the soft calm essence and wisdom of the 'Forest Floor' at its heart.

To evoke the comforting cloak of tranquility which enshrouds us as we enter the depths of the forest.

The remembering of our innate connection to this Earth, and to invite in the potent healing of Forest bathing into our homes.


This small selection of etheric gifts, are soul centred in their nature, gifts to bring us closer to Spirit, to deepen our sense of self enquiry and imbue us with sweet soft serenity, a deeper connection to our inner bliss.


These Transient offerings are now available to pre-order, First postage and collections will be on 11th December.



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Forest Floor Rituals

Rested Spirit Meditation Oil

An exquisite blend of carefully curated precious oils.

including Cedarwood, Vetiver root, Lavender & Oakmoss (full list will be enclosed with bottle)


Create yourself a quiet & comfortable space, perhaps light your favourite candle, and play some soothing music.


Take 5 long deep breaths to begin the journey to soften and prepare.


dispense several drops into the palm of your hand, gentle rub hands together, and breathe in these plant essences for at least

1 minute, or as long as feels right to you.


£22.22 per 30ml bottle



Hand Blended Ceremonial Cacao.

Carefully ethically sourced ceremonial Cacao, blended with sweet and warm spices, along with some magical and medicinal flowers, to support the softening and opening of the Heart space.


Ceremonial Cacao has been used by ancient cultures and tribes for thousands of years, to deepen meditation and to access our deeper layers, in ritual, ceremony and celebration.


This joyful and loving plant medicine is a gentle and potent healer.


£22.22 per 250g pouch 



Forest Ritual Rested Spirit 2 piece Bundle


choose 2 items from the following.

1 x 30ml bottle of Forest Floor Meditation oil

1 x 250g pouch Ceremonial Cacao Bliss blend

1 x aura mist / room / pillow spray.


£40.00 bundle price.



Rested Spirit Aura mist / room / pillow spray


An sensory delight, aura mist / pillow / room spray to evoke a wonderful sense of calm to support a deep sense of rest and tranquility.





Rested Spirit Dream tea


A soothing hand blended tea, a fusion of carefully chosen herbs & florals to invite comfort, calm, ease and promote a restful sleep.





New for 2023

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Forest Floor Rituals RESTED SPIRIT -


Deluxe Gift Set



Product Details

a deluxe collection including all items from this years forest floor rituals’  RESTED Spirit collection, plus a couple of of my own favorite add ons.

This thoughtfully curated package will contain one of each of the following.

1 x rested spirit meditation oil

1 x rested spirit aura mist

1 x rested spirit ceremonial cacao blend 

1 x rested spirit dream tea 

1 x pack ‘sacred elephant’ Agarwood incense 

1 x ‘sensory retreat’ self heating eye mask.



....and the specialist gift, the ultimate in luxurious & heart centred gift giving

Pre-order only - first post and collection arrangements from 11/12/23.


Very Limited availability.




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The ExtraDeluxe Gift Set

Product Details

Everything from the deluxe gift collection PLUS a voucher for a 90 minute 1:1 healing Radiantly rested session.

a deluxe collection including all items from this years forest floor rituals’  RESTED Spirit collection, plus a couple of of my own favorite add ons.


This thoughtfully curated ‘physical’ package will contain one of each of the following.


1 x rested spirit meditation oil

1 x rested spirit aura mist

1 x rested spirit ceremonial cacao blend 

1 x rested spirit dream tea 

1 x pack ‘sacred elephant’ Agarwood incense 

1 x ‘sensory retreat’ self heating eye mask.



1 x voucher for a 90 minute radiantly rested session (in person in Towcester - Tuesday or Friday 12:30/1:00pm by arrangement)

Arrival chat & relaxing herbal tea ceremony.


Guided tantric breath & meditation.

Personal crystal bowl & gong sound healing 

Exquisite Marma point warmed oil aromatherapy Indian head massage with Crystal facial wand facial reflexology.





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